This is an historical article from 2010
Over the past year there has been so much that has changed in the web design world. With the emergence of the iPad, and the ever increasing Smart Phone market the web is changing, and taking the way we access it with it.
We have also seen web browsers begin to adopt HTML5, CSS3 and Web Fonts taking what we can do with the humble web page to new levels, making the future for web design very exciting!
In this post I am going to go through some of the latest and greatest trends in web design, because I am excited and you should be too…
1. Times New Who? Get Some Web Fonts
Who doesn’t love fonts? With so many different varieties how can you ever get board of good typography?
Gone are the days of using Flash or images to add in custom fonts to your designs now you can use services like TypeKit, All-In-One Cufon, and Google Web Fonts to add a custom font in to you design with out hindering your SEO.
2. Is Your Site Accessible On All Platforms? Mobile Compatibility Is A Must
With the ability to access the web on more and more platforms such as phone and tablets making your website compatible with them can gain you a few extra fans.
By making your site compatible with mobile devices such as the iPad, iPhone and Android devices, not only will the site load faster over 3G and other phone networks, but the screen resolution will be tailored to a smaller screen making it easier for others to read. Good times.
3. A Content Management System Is Essential
CMSs are great, and now days they are getting easier and easier to implement with open source platforms such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal helping designers and developers all over the world build beautiful websites with fantastic functionality, but of course there greatest strength is the ease at which they can be updated. By anyone, anywhere.
4. Less Is More, Get Ready For The Minimalist Movement
I love minimalist design, and with page weight now affecting you Google ranking now is your chance to take your web site and strip it down and make it slim lined and beautiful. But remember minimalist design certainly does not have to be boring, using negative space is an art but when implemented correctly can be beautiful.
5. HTML5 & CSS3
HTML5 and CSS3 are supported on all of newest versions of the net’s most popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera so why not try experimenting a little with them. You can do some incredible things with HTML5 and CSS3, and as web standards begin to support more and more features the boundaries of the web will begin to be pushed further and further and the chances are you have used them in some of your designs and not even known it such as directly embedding videos.
6. Display Your Uniqueness And Invest In Personalized Imagery
Using personalised photography, images and artwork on your site can have a real affect of the design of your website, not only do they set your website apart from others but they are tailored specifically to your website so they will fit perfectly rather than you having to crowbar in an image that ‘kind of’ looks okay.
7. A Social Sync
The last few years have seen a massive boom in social networks and services so why not take advantage on your site and integrate your social networks with your Twitter feeds and Facebook groups or alternatively start a social network of your own with services like Buddypress which allow you to create your own networks on your site.
A great article originally by @ryanfmc (